Flashing Z-Bot


Finding your image

Find the release you want to use: https://github.com/zeroth-robotics/buildroot/releases

Navigate to the corresponding Gitlab job here (by commit or tag or branch or however you want): https://gitlab.kscale.ai/zeroth-robotics/OpenLCH-buildroot/-/artifacts

Download the artifacts

Extract your .img file

Then flash the img onto a micro-SD card using something like BalenaEtcher

And you’re done!


Once you’ve ssh’d into your MilkV over USB (ip =, password is milkv

ssh root@

# Copy wpa_supplicant file
cp /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf /boot/

# Add your wifi network name (ssid) and password (psk)
vim /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf