_Are you interested in hacking on a robot project for a couple weeks?_
As part of the residency, we provide room and board in Silicon Valley, plus equipment and robots.
During the residency, you are welcome to use any equipment we have, and if there is something you think we should have, please let us know and we can look into buying it. Here is a non-exhaustive list of what we currently have available:
- 3D printers
- Lots of actuators of different varieties
- Batteries, sensors, and other standard robot hardware
- Electronics bench
- GPUs
- Edge devices (Jetsons, Qualcomm boards)
- During the residency, you will get the opportunity to live and work out of our house in Palo Alto. Some amenities:
- Swimming pool
- Sauna
- Exercise equipment
- Foosball table
- You should be comfortable sharing a room with other people. We will make reasonable accommodations to ensure that you are comfortable for the duration of the residency.
Residency Project
Projects can be fairly open-ended, but we encourage you to build something that is fun and challenging. Here are some ideas:
- Getting a robot to do a simple task, like washing dishes
- Implementing a recent paper that you found interesting on physical hardware
- Building a prototype PCB
- Designing and 3D printing your own robot
- Any other robotics-related ideas which you think you will find interesting
Expected Outcomes
At the end of the residency, you should be prepared to present a technical talk describing what you've built. We will record a video of the talk and publish it on our social media pages.
Resident Alumni
Updated about 2 months ago