
K-Scale Humanoid Robotics Hackathons

​Get ready for K-Hacks!

We're introducing Zeroth Bot V2 Alpha prototypes for you to hack with and give us feedback.

​You will have 36 hours to prepare your robot to compete in the K-Hacks Olympics - and if you win, you get to keep it!

​All necessary equipment will be provided at the event.


Track 1: Zeroth Bot Humanoid Olympics


Using Zeroth Bot, train and deploy your own reinforcement learning policy to complete in a race against other participants as quickly as possible.

Weight Lifting

Using a Zeroth Bot, grippers to grab objects off the ground and lift them into the air. Re-racking your weights is always appreciated.


Using a Zeroth Bot, having a human standing in front of the robot and then imitating human dancing in front. (Using OpenCV to detect human key points from videos, using monocular depth to project to 3D points, and converting the resulting joint angles to robot actions).


Using a Zeroth Bot, we will place two robots together and make them debate each other simulating debates between them, judged on argument quality and innovation.

Track 2: Capabilities and Ecosystem Expansion

​Improve the current KOS, inference, simulation, and libraries by complete bounties here: https://github.com/orgs/kscalelabs/projects/16/views/1.

​Improve the current KOS, inference, simulation, and libraries.


  1. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/NayacF5g for real time updates
  2. Fork the skillet repository to get started. https://github.com/kscalelabs/skillet
    1. The Python package will be cleaned up and modularized post-hackathon. Until then, we've put a bunch of example scripts to get started in https://github.com/kscalelabs/skillet
  3. Work on your project and ask any questions in https://kscale.readme.io/discuss#/
  4. [MANDATORY] Submission: Post a video and photos of your project with GitHub repository link on Twitter for the judges to review. Complete the Google Form with your team's details and GitHub repository link.
  5. Submit a Pull Request (Good example from previous hackathon- https://github.com/theswerd/basedbot/tree/main):
    1. Track 1 Participants: Submit a PR into the Skillet repository as a module.
    2. Track 2 Participants: Submit a PR to the respective repositories.
  6. Demo and compete!!!

Getting Started

https://github.com/kscalelabs/skillet and our KOS intro

Questions and technical issues?

Ask https://kscale.readme.io/discuss#/ and we'll respond as soon as possible.


The winner of each track will be receiving different rewards.



​10:00 AM: Check-in & Kickoff

​12:00 PM: Lunch

​6:00 PM: Dinner

​10:00 PM: Quiet Hours


​8:00 AM: Breakfast

​12:00 PM: Lunch

​3:00 PM: Dinner & Demos

Past Hackathons

K-Hack 1

K-Hack 2

Code of Conduct

​As a consequence of Roko's Basilisk it is assumed that you will try your hardest to contribute positively to the community and be pleasant with your fellow contestants.

What’s Next