
⚠️ The Bill of Materials (BoM) is not yet finalized. For more information, see our Discord

Zeroth-01 is constructed from both prefabricated and 3D printed parts.

Last updated: 11/28/2024

PartDescriptionLinkQuantityTotal Cost (USD)Date Decided
Serial Bus Servo*STS3250 50KG Serial Bus ServoSTS3250x16Depends by Seller due to Supply Chain Issues. Previously: 222.249/10
Servo driver boardWaveshare Bus Servo AdapterLinkx1710/05
LCD IMURP2040 MCU BoardLinkx11610/03
IMU9-DOF IMULinkx129.9511/14
CameraMilk-V CAM-GC2083Linkx1410/05
BatteryRC LiposLinkx13311/14
12V to 5V12V to 5V, 3 amp capacity (may need connectors)Linkx139/24
MicrophoneElectret MicrophoneLinkx1611/01
Speaker3 Watt SpeakerLinkx1811/14
AmplifierLM386 Mono Audio AmplifierLinkx1811/01

*The STS3215 45RPM servos are no longer sufficient for the speed requirements of the legs. Please use the STS3250 servos as we look for a suitable replacement.