URDF to Mujoco Converter

Utility for converting from URDF format to Mujoco format

urdf2mjcf is a tool for converting URDF models to Mujoco XML.

Here is an example, with the input URDF on the right and the output MJCF on the left:


You can install the package using pip:

pip install urdf2mjcf


Command Line

To run the conversion script from the command line, use:

urdf2mjcf path/to/your/robot.urdf

This will save the MJCF file in the same directory as the URDF file.

To see all the options, use:

urdf2mjcf -h

As of urdf2mjcf==0.0.4, the options are:

usage: urdf2mjcf [-h] [--no-collision-mesh] [--output OUTPUT] [--copy-meshes]
                 [--camera-distance CAMERA_DISTANCE]
                 [--camera-height-offset CAMERA_HEIGHT_OFFSET]
                 [--no-frc-limit] [--default-position DEFAULT_POSITION]

Convert a URDF file to an MJCF file.

positional arguments:
  urdf_path             The path to the URDF file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-collision-mesh   Do not include collision meshes.
  --output OUTPUT       The path to the output MJCF file.
  --copy-meshes         Copy mesh files to the output MJCF directory.
  --camera-distance CAMERA_DISTANCE
                        Camera distance from the robot.
  --camera-height-offset CAMERA_HEIGHT_OFFSET
                        Camera height offset.
  --no-frc-limit        Do not include force limit for the actuators.
  --default-position DEFAULT_POSITION
                        Default position for the robot.


To run the conversion script from Python, use:

from urdf2mjcf import run
