K-Bot KOS Quick Start



pip install kos-sim  # To install the simulation server
kos-sim kbot-v1 --no-gravity --no-render

This will create a gRPC server which listens for KOS commands and replicates them on your robot.


Set up CAN lines to communicate with actuators.


for i in {0..4} 	
	do echo "Setting up can$i..." 	
	sudo ip link set can$i down 	
	sudo ip link set can$i type can bitrate 1000000 	
	sudo ip link set can$i txqueuelen 1000 	
	sudo ip link set can$i up 

To run KOS on the K-Bot, use the commands:

# Use this if you want the bleeding edge actuator package.
mkdir local_crates
cd local_crates
git clone -b parse-faults https://github.com/kscalelabs/actuator.git

# Runs KOS
cargo run --release

You can read telemetry from Mosquitto:

mosquitto_sub -t '#' > today_date.txt


We have a set of unit tests which you can run on the K-Bot here .