KOS Services API
The KOS API provides a collection of service clients that enable interaction with various hardware components and system resources. Each service client is specialized for a specific aspect of the robot's functionality.
Service Overview
Actuator Service
Control motors, servos, and other actuators with precise positioning, velocity, and torque control.
IMU Service
Access orientation, acceleration, and angular velocity data from the Inertial Measurement Unit.
LED Matrix Service
Control LED matrix displays for visual feedback, animations, and text display.
Sound Service
Play audio, record from microphones, and generate tones for auditory feedback.
Process Manager Service
Monitor system resources, manage processes, and perform system diagnostics.
Inference Service
Deploy and run machine learning models for on-device inference.
Simulation Service
Test robot behaviors in a physics simulation environment before deploying to hardware.
Using Services
All services follow a consistent access pattern through the main KOS client:
import asyncio
from pykos import KOS
async def main():
async with KOS() as client:
# Access a service
actuator_client = client.actuator()
imu_client = client.imu()
# Use service methods
orientation = await imu_client.get_orientation()
await actuator_client.command_actuators([
{"actuator_id": 1, "position": orientation.roll + 90.0}
Service Documentation
Each service has its own dedicated documentation page with detailed API reference and examples:
Updated about 21 hours ago