

pip install krec

krec is K-Scale’s package for organizing and managing robot data.


You can install krec using pip:

pip install krec


In cases where there is not an existing wheel, this will install the package from source. In this case, you will need to have the necessary build dependencies installed. For example, if you see something like this:

protoc failed: krec.proto:21:14: Explicit 'optional' labels are disallowed in the Proto3 syntax.

This happens because the default version of protobuf when installed from apt is too old for krec. You can fix this by installing a newer version of protobuf from source, using the latest release version from here (replace <VERSION> with the version you want to install).

curl -L<VERSION>/protoc-<VERSION> -o
unzip -d protoc
mv protoc/bin/protoc /usr/local/bin/protoc
mv protoc/include/google /usr/local/include/google

Make sure that you are referencing the latest version of protoc in your PATH.

which protoc  # Should return /usr/local/bin/protoc

If this is not the case, you can add it to your PATH by running:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"